
This resource was prepared by the Business Communications Lab at the Sam M. Walton College of Business
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Memos are usually created by people within a company for either the entire company or specific groups for the purpose of reporting information, announcing policy changes or new policies, giving valuable instruction to groups of people, or delegating responsibility. Memos are a form of communication that can be written on paper or sent as an attachment via e-mail.

How do I write a memo?

Memos should be short and focused. The most important information should come first and the reasons later. This is called front-loading your message. Be explicit about what you want the reader to do. Avoid sending memos to people who do not need the information.

What does a memo look like?

Formatting for memos vary depending on the company. For example, most companies will format their own logo on their memos. See this model for details:

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